Almost all of your 3 - 6 Month Clothes are too small for you...but I love them so much I don't have the heart to pack them away!
You weigh about 17 1/2 pounds (75th percentile) and are 28 inches long (90th percentile).
You are still wearing size three diapers (I think they only go to 5...slow down there boy)!!
You are no longer loving your rice cereal "breakfast". Some days you scarf it and others you won't take a bite! You are now eating fruit everyday for "lunch" and your "dinner" is still made up of one vegetable. We have tried them all, you are going through a sweet stage. Probably because the fruits are the newest to you. You don't like eating your veggies anymore. I hope this is a habit you learn to break. You are still eating about 5.5 ounces of formula every three hours.
You are back to sleeping a little better again. We decided to continue swaddling you. You are just happier that way. You usually break your arms out and are able to move around but you like being wrapped tightly to fall asleep. You are not napping very well lately. You like cat napping on the weekends when you are home with Mommy and Daddy. I like to tell myself its just because you are too excited that we are all home together and you don't want to miss anything. I still worry about your sleeping habits every night as a fall sleep. I can't wait for the day I don't have to worry about you being too cold, tangled in your swaddling blanket, or not breathing. But then I guess there will only be new things to worry about as I fall asleep each night.
You still talk, laugh and sing CONSTANTLY!!!
You are SITTING UP!!! We get to sit in the shopping cart when we go grocery shopping or to Target. This new adventure has become one of my favorite experiences with you. Watching you discover the world around you is so much fun!!! You are also sitting in the high chair when we go out to eat. It is SOO nice to be able to relax, eat, and talk with Daddy again.
The BUMBO has seen its day. You are kicking your legs and nearly thrashing your body out of it. I still sit you in it to feed you dinner each night (its just easier), but I have no idea how much longer it will last. In fact, you are no longer allowed to use the BUMBO at school anymore!!!
You are becoming more and more mobile each day. I don't know how I feel about this.
You have no teeth yet. I keep thinking you are teething and that one is going to pop through at any moment, but as of today, you are still toothless.
You have no teeth yet. I keep thinking you are teething and that one is going to pop through at any moment, but as of today, you are still toothless.
You play with everything! You play us concerts on your mini piano that you got for Christmas (you even performed one for your friends at school). You play with the bird that hangs from your carseat (finally). You play with your toys on the floor and are still playing really well on your playmat.
You have mastered the Jumperoo. You could spend hours in the thing. You jump like crazy, sing like crazy, you talk to the different pieces. I am so amazed at how you have taught yourself how to use each of the little parts. I also love that while you are jumping I get the chance to pick up around the house!!!
PUFFS!!! We started them a little early according to Dr. Harrison, but you so well with them. They are so much fun to watch you turn around with your tongue and eat.
Music. Singing with Mommy and dancing with Daddy!
PUFFS!!! We started them a little early according to Dr. Harrison, but you so well with them. They are so much fun to watch you turn around with your tongue and eat.
Music. Singing with Mommy and dancing with Daddy!
You still love bath time.
Things You Don't Like...
Sweet Peas.
Being laughed at. Ask your Grammy about this one. She has a story she will never forget!!! You like to be in control. It is only ok to laugh at something funny you do if it is ok with you!!!
Being laughed at. Ask your Grammy about this one. She has a story she will never forget!!! You like to be in control. It is only ok to laugh at something funny you do if it is ok with you!!!
First "fall" from sitting position. OH MY LORD!!! I thought I broke you!! Your alligator tears actually BREAK my heart!!! I guess I better get used to them!!!
First taste of green beans, sweet peas, peaches, bananas, avocado, pears, applesauce, PUFFS, water from a cup.
First stay home day from school with Mommy and Daddy. Funny story. I forgot to take your carseat out of my car and went all the way to work with it. Daddy couldn't take you to school so Daddy stayed home with you in the morning and Mommy came home a lunch time and stayed with you the rest of the day. We had so much fun!!! We spent the afternoon at the Spectrum together.
A Note From Mommy...
Grant, like I aways say. Time is just FLYING by! I was telling your Daddy the other day that it seemed like every month we celebrated your "monthiversary" we were celebrating like we couldn't believe we had survived another month. I felt like I was counting down the months until your 1st birthday (CRAZY...I know). I was so excited for all of the experiences we had to come. Well, not this month. Now I just want them to stop. I wish I could just freeze time. You have been in our lives and occupied our hearts for half a year. In one more half a year you won't be a "baby" anymore. You may even be walking. Life has been so busy these last few months with Daddy and Mommy working, that sometimes its hard not to get bogged down with my "to do" lists. I promise to do my best to enjoy each and every moment we have together. I love you...a bushel and a peck!! -Mommy
A quick blast from the past!!!
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