
Seven Months...

Grant, You Are SEVEN Months Old!

What Have You Been Up To?

You are now wearing mostly 9 month clothes.  Some of your clothes are 6-12 months and they "fit" but not perfectly, and we all know your Mama likes things "perfect".

Diapers...size three.  You are even wearing overnight diapers because you are usually soaked when you wake up in the morning.  We often times still have to change you into a second set of pajamas.  

  Because you stopped eating regular rice cereal for breakfast we switched to oatmeal.  YOU LOVE IT!!! We never seem to have trouble getting you to eat it.  You are still eating two other meals a day; a fruit for lunch and a veggie for dinner.  You will not eat green beans on your own.  I have to mix them with another vegetable to get you to eat it.  Other than that you are eating anything I feed you.  Dr. Harrison has moved you onto stage two foods and it is so much more fun to feed you a larger variety of purees.  Your newest favorite is corn and butternut squash.

You are now drinking 6 oz bottles every three hours.  Sometimes at night you eat 8 oz before you go to bed.

This month you started eating Puffs.  Banana is the flavor of the month.  To say you LOVE them would be an understatement.  It is so nice to be able to take them out with us and give them to you if you are bored.     

You are sleeping fabulously!!! You go to bed between 8:00 and 8:30 and wake up between 6:00 and 6:30 most mornings.  Many nights we hear you scream after you have been asleep for about an hour.  We think you must be having a little nightmare, but you never seem to actually wake yourself up.  We can almost time it the minute.  One of my favorite times is still getting up with you on Saturday and Sunday while Daddy sleeps in.  I love feeding you when its quiet and watching you play with your toys. 

Aside from talking, laughing, and singing, we can now add squealing to the list of sounds you make! 

Your teachers say you are scooting.  We haven't really seen it at home.  You throw your arms like you are trying to move but you don't seem to get anywhere.  Now rolling is a mode of transportation you have certainly mastered.  You manage to get yourself from one side of the a room so quickly without actually being able to crawl or scoot.  It is amazing to me.  Your teachers say you will be crawling in no time.

You are still TOOTHLESS.  I am afraid of what our summer together is going to look like if you are popping teeth left and right =(.  Take it easy on me.

Things You Like...

To PLAY!!! You will spend almost an hour straight playing on the carpet with the Little People Farmhouse and Car wash that your Grammy got you for Easter.  You love to play with the little animals, cars, and open and close each of the doors.  You are also pretty good at putting the gas pump to the carwash in your mouth.  Silly boy!!!

You jump each morning in your jumperoo while Daddy takes a shower.  He puts the TV on and you just jump away.

Bath time.  You are taking your baths now in the sink.  We have done away with the baby bathtub.  I don't know how long this will last though as you are already trying to climb up out of the sink!

Things You Don't Like...

Getting your nose wiped.  Alligator tears for sure!  Worst feeling ever.

Sitting in your car seat in the stroller.  It is time to start letting you sit like a big boy!

Firsts This Month...

Breadstick.  You chomped on one while we had dinner with the Pierce's at Shaws.  Aunt Becky fed it to you while she held you.

You also chomped on a REAL apple.

First Easter.  

First Baby Shower (the first may have been at six months actually).  You went to a baby shower for your cousin Ashlynn, Ben, and our friends the Martini's.   

First official "babysitter".  Mommy and Daddy went on a Date and your Grandma and Grandpa Lewis came to stay with you.  You got a stellar report.

A Note From Mommy...

Grant, you are growing and changing everyday.  The past few months have been the hardest I have ever experienced.  I feel like I work ALL of the TIME.  I feel like the bonds we created during your first few months of life are slowly breaking.  We have had a few "stay home" days over the course of these last few months and taking them has been quite expensive (I don't get payed right now for any days I miss at work).  I have come to realize that each of those days has been worth EVERY SINGLE penny.  They have given us the chance to spend time together and reconnect.  We also were able to spend two straight weeks together during my spring break and summer is just around the corner.  I know most mommy's don't get the time that we have gotten together and I need to remember how lucky I am to have been given so much extra time with you but I just can't help but feel like it is not enough.  I have realized how important it is for me to commit to making part time work for our family, no matter what it costs me professionally.  I pray every night that something will work out.  For your sake...and mine.  I love you G.  - Mommy    

A Quick Blast From the Past!!!


Six Months

Grant, You Are SIX Months Old!

What Have You Been Up To?

Almost all of your 3 - 6 Month Clothes are too small for you...but I love them so much I don't have the heart to pack them away!

You weigh about 17 1/2 pounds (75th percentile) and are 28 inches long (90th percentile).

You are still wearing size three diapers (I think they only go to 5...slow down there boy)!!

  You are no longer loving your rice cereal "breakfast".  Some days you scarf it and others you won't take a bite!  You are now eating fruit everyday for "lunch" and your "dinner" is still made up of one vegetable.  We have tried them all, you are going through a sweet stage.  Probably because the fruits are the newest to you.  You don't like eating your veggies anymore.  I hope this is a habit you learn to break. You are still eating about 5.5 ounces of formula every three hours.   

You are back to sleeping a little better again.  We decided to continue swaddling you.  You are just happier that way.  You usually break your arms out and are able to move around but you like being wrapped tightly to fall asleep.  You are not napping very well lately.  You like cat napping on the weekends when you are home with Mommy and Daddy.  I like to tell myself its just because you are too excited that we are all home together and you don't want to miss anything.  I still worry about your sleeping habits every night as a fall sleep.  I can't wait for the day I don't have to worry about you being too cold, tangled in your swaddling blanket, or not breathing.  But then I guess there will only be new things to worry about as I fall asleep each night. 

You still talk, laugh and sing CONSTANTLY!!!

You are SITTING UP!!! We get to sit in the shopping cart when we go grocery shopping or to Target. This new adventure has become one of my favorite experiences with you.  Watching you discover the world around you is so much fun!!! You are also sitting in the high chair when we go out to eat.  It is SOO nice to be able to relax, eat, and talk with Daddy again.

The BUMBO has seen its day.  You are kicking your legs and nearly thrashing your body out of it.  I still sit you in it to feed you dinner each night (its just easier), but I have no idea how much longer it will last.  In fact, you are no longer allowed to use the BUMBO at school anymore!!!

You are becoming more and more mobile each day.  I don't know how I feel about this.

You have no teeth yet.  I keep thinking you are teething and that one is going to pop through at any moment, but as of today, you are still toothless.

Things You Like...

You play with everything!  You play us concerts on your mini piano that you got for Christmas (you even performed one for your friends at school).  You play with the bird that hangs from your carseat (finally).  You play with your toys on the floor and are still playing really well on your playmat.

You have mastered the Jumperoo.  You could spend hours in the thing.  You jump like crazy, sing like crazy, you talk to the different pieces.  I am so amazed at how you have taught yourself how to use each of the little parts.  I also love that while you are jumping I get the chance to pick up around the house!!!

PUFFS!!! We started them a little early according to Dr. Harrison, but you so well with them.  They are so much fun to watch you turn around with your tongue and eat.

Music.  Singing with Mommy and dancing with Daddy!

You still love bath time.

Things You Don't Like...

Sweet Peas.

Being laughed at. Ask your Grammy about this one.  She has a story she will never forget!!!  You like to be in control.  It is only ok to laugh at something funny you do if it is ok with you!!!

Firsts This Month...

First "fall" from sitting position.  OH MY LORD!!! I thought I broke you!! Your alligator tears actually BREAK my heart!!!  I guess I better get used to them!!!

First taste of green beans, sweet peas, peaches, bananas, avocado, pears, applesauce, PUFFS, water from a cup.

First stay home day from school with Mommy and Daddy.  Funny story.  I forgot to take your carseat out of my car and went all the way to work with it.  Daddy couldn't take you to school so Daddy stayed home with you in the morning and Mommy came home a lunch time and stayed with you the rest of the day.  We had so much fun!!! We spent the afternoon at the Spectrum together. 

A Note From Mommy...

Grant, like I aways say.  Time is just FLYING by!  I was telling your Daddy the other day that it seemed like every month we celebrated your "monthiversary" we were celebrating like we couldn't believe we had survived another month.  I felt like I was counting down the months until your 1st birthday (CRAZY...I know).  I was so excited for all of the experiences we had to come.  Well, not this month.  Now I just want them to stop.  I wish I could just freeze time.  You have been in our lives and occupied our hearts for half a year.  In one more half a year you won't be a "baby" anymore.  You may even be walking.  Life has been so busy these last few months with Daddy and Mommy working, that sometimes its hard not to get bogged down with my "to do" lists.  I promise to do my best to enjoy each and every moment we have together.  I love you...a bushel and a peck!! -Mommy

A quick blast from the past!!!


Watch Out...

I turned my head for one second...

... looks like I won't be doing that anymore.  This little boy is already getting into EVERYTHING!!!


A New Stage...

Goodbye swing...hello jumperoo!

Here's to New Adventures!!!

Thank you Grammy and Grampy!


Our Little Valentine...

Uncle Jimmy and Auntie Lynn and Uncle Don both sent Grant Valentines Day packages.  Grant LOVED his presents...take a look.

Uncle Jimmy's Box 
(There were a few treats for Mom and Dad too.)

Auntie Lynn and Uncle Don's Box.

Thank you both for making Grant's first Valentines Day EXTRA special!!!

5 Months...

Grant, You Are Five Months Old!

What Have You Been Up To?

You have started growing out of some of your three to six month clothes.

We will get an update on your height and weight at your six month check up next month!

You are still wearing size two diapers (thank goodness because I bought a boat load of them at a sale in December).

You are eating FOOD!!!  Your "breakfast" consists of rice cereal mixed with formula and your "dinner" is usually made up of one vegetable.  So far we have tried squash and sweet potatoes (such a wide variety I know).  You like them both.  You are still eating about 5.5 ounces of formula every three hours also.   

Your sleeping habits are making me loose sleep at night.  If you are not waking up screaming (you have been sick and maybe a little bit of teething) I am worried about you breathing.  You aren't being swaddled anymore (I kept waking up in the morning and you would have the blanket around your neck, it was loose, but still it made me worry).  I am still not really sure what the answer to this problem is.

You talk an laugh like crazy!

You can sit up if we hold you on the carpet or on the couch.

You are rolling over pretty well now.

You are "reaching" for things.  We are really starting to have to watch your every move.  You sit in the Bumbo on the counter while I cook dinner and you are getting into EVERYTHING.  I guess I am going to have to start watching where I put the knives.

You are also on the move.  Dressing you after your bath is a NIGHTMARE!

You are often holding your own bottle.  You have learned this from being at Daycare but Mommy still like to hold it for you when she feeds you.

Your teacher Miss Cassie says that she has never seen a baby adjust so quickly to being at school.  Every time I go pick you up you are playing, sleeping, or grinning from ear to ear!!! I love it!!!

Things You Like...

You play with everything!  You play us concerts on your mini piano that you got for Christmas (you even performed one for your friends at school).  You play with the bird that hangs from your carseat (finally).  You play with your toys on the floor and are still playing really well on your playmat.

You are learning to jump in your Jumperoo.  You still like to have Mommy or Daddy near you when you are playing in it, but I can tell it won't be long before you are sailing on your own!

You still love bath time.

Things You Don't Like...

Butternut Squash.

Firsts This Month...

First meal from a spoon.  

First taste of rice cereal, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash.

First Birthday Party (Lucy Morris turned One).

First Day of School.

First stay home day from school.  Grammy came to take care of you so you didn't have to go to school.

A Note From Mommy...

Grant, I know I say this every month, but the time is flying by so quickly.  You have been the greatest joy this last month.  It is amazing how well you are able to get me to chuck my stresses at the door when we get home and steal all of my attention for the night.  Daddy is working late hours right now and you and I have become quite the little pair.  Every night I sit down to feed you your last bottle of the day, I look at the clock, and can't believe our few short hours together have already come to an end.  There just aren't enough.  I have noticed such a big change in you this month as I look back at old pictures.  It seems like you have really grown into a little boy and not just a baby.  Boy or baby, whatever you are, thank you for bringing so much meaning to my life.  I love you!!! - Mommy




And we are eating...rice cereal that is!!!

Sunshine Plate.  I had to tell Ryan what that meant.  I guess it was a term only used in my family!!!


After Dinner...

Things have been busy around here!!!  The only quality time we get to spend together is after dinner.  Here's a look...

Playing with Mommy after dinner.

Playing with Daddy after dinner.

Playing with Lucy after dinner.

Playing with himself after dinner!


4 Months...

Grant, You Are Four Months Old.

What have you been up to?

You are wearing 3-6 month clothes although you are still growing into some of them =)

You weighed in at your four month check up at 14.8 lbs and 25.5 inches long.  You are still in the 50th percentile for weight and the 75th percentile for height.  I just love that you are tall.  Something I obviously have never been!

You are still wearing size two diapers.

You are now eating 5.0 ounces every three hours.  You eat like a champ, sometimes I worry you are eating a little too much.

You officially have a bedtime.  We like to put you down at about 8:00 every night and you seem to sleep until about 6:00 or 6:30 each morning.  

Your nap routine has been a little rocky lately.  Somedays you just like to sleep on your Mommy or Daddy for old times sake.  It think this has more to do with the fact that we have kept you very busy throughout the Holiday Season and you are just off your routine.  You always go down for at least one good nap a day though (and I thank you very much).

The biggest change in your life this month is that Mommy had to go back to work and you had to start going to daycare (or preschool as I refer to it, it makes it sound so much better).  It has only been a few days so it's hard to tell how you are really taking things, but your teachers tell me that there is another little boy in your class who screams all day and his screaming seems to really scare you.  It breaks my heart to know that I have to send you to a place where you feel so scared, but it's new and I think you are tough little boy.  I think you will be able to adjust just fine.

Your giggles are out of control.  You are laughing ALL the time and I just love it.

Things You Like...

Bouncing on the exercise ball (when you are going to sleep).

"Flying" with Daddy around the room when he comes home from work.

Watching TV.  This is a little concerning to us but you are constantly lifting and twirking your head so that you can see the TV when we are holding you.

Music.  Nancy sent us a CD when you were first born and we listen to it every moment we are in the car.  You love it, and track number ten seems to put you to sleep no matter what!

You FINALLY like the car.  When I pick you up from school I give you your toys and you play and talk to me the whole way home.  It is one of my favorite parts of the day.

Bath time and water.

Here are a few of your favorite Christmas presents:  Set of keys from Great Grandma Pierce (they play music I think that's why you like them so much).  "Chicken Little" and your froggy that you got from Grammy and Grampy.  You LOVE to play with those in your Bumbo.

Things you don't like...

Nothing big really comes to mind.  You have been such a HAPPY Baby!!!

Firsts This Month...

First Christmas.

First New Years.

First Day of "School".

A Note From Mommy...

Grant, these past few days have been hard on us all.  When I think about the time I have spent with you these last four months I just can't get over how special they were to me.  You are the most amazing thing to ever happen to me and you are all that really even matters to me anymore.  You will never know how much it breaks my heart to get up and leave you every morning.  I leave so early I don't even get to say goodbye to you (luckily your Daddy takes really good care of you).  The other day I was driving home to pick you up and started to let myself think about just how much time I am missing with you and I couldn't stop crying.  Another teaching partner I had found backed out on me and my hopes of getting to stay home with you next year were looking dimmer and dimmer.  I tried to pull myself together enough to go into school and pick you up but I was so upset.  I have never felt such feelings of sadness and anger all at the same time.  I walked into the classroom and practically ran to you.  The second I picked you up it all seemed to melt away.  You have an amazing ability to bring peace and happiness to my heart.  I love you my little Prince! -Mommy      


First Day of School

Whether you are ready or not it's time to grow up a little (I certainly know I am not ready)!

Here is your very first backpack.

When I picked you up your were sound alseep and I had to wake you.  At least we know you are able to relax a little while you are there!

Your teachers are Miss Cassie and Miss Linda and they seem to like you very much!!! Welcome to the real world Mr. Grant.  I am sorry the two of you had to meet so soon!!!